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青春涩涩爱涩涩 吴磊 西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院 - 国产视频


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青春涩涩爱涩涩 吴磊 西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院
发布日期:2024-11-05 22:30    点击次数:167



1. 汲引阅历

2010.9.15-2011.9.15好意思国加州大学欧文分校(UC Irvine)市政与环境工程系(水文水环境见地) 国度公派连合培养博士商讨生

2009.2-2012.6.27重庆大学 城市环境与生态工程 博士学位(水文水环境见地)

2006.9-2008.12.25重庆大学 市政工程 硕士学位(水文水环境见地)

2002.9-2006.7.1 供水排水工程 学士学位(小城镇浑水处理见地)

2. 责任与访学阅历

2020.1-今 西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院 解释

2019.5-10 好意思国德州农工大学Blackland Research & Extension Center “国际提高谋略”拜访学者

2017.8.30-2018.8.30 好意思国加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)市政与环境工程系 国度公派拜访学者

2015.1-2019.12 西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院 副解释

2012.7-2014.12 西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院 讲师

3. 商讨见地


4. 讲讲课程



5. 科研模式



[1] 国度当然科学基金面上模式,流域非点源浑浊模子过错传递特征与谈判不细目性的处置措施谨慎配置行径, 2023/01-2026/12,主抓

[2] 国度当然科学基金面上模式,谈判陡立游泳力磋商的最平正置措施多议论协同配置—以泾河流域为例, 2021/01-2024/12,主抓

[3] 国度当然科学基金面上模式,黄土丘陵沟壑区水-沙-吸附态与融化态非点源浑浊物多时空圭臬耦合运移机理商讨, 2017/01-2020/12,主抓

[4] 国度当然科学基金后生模式,黄土高原小流域吸附态非点源浑浊经过模拟与调控商讨,2014/01-2016/12,主抓

[5] 汲引部博士学科点专项基金,黄土高原小流域非点源氮磷流失形态模拟商讨, 2014/01-2016/12,主抓

[6] 陕西省立异东谈主才鼓动谋略—后生科技新星模式,延河流域非点源浑浊猖狂措施空间配置优化商讨,2017/08-2019/12,主抓

[7] 中国水利水电科学商讨院内蒙古阴山北麓草原生态水文国度郊野科学不雅测商讨站绽开商讨基金,基于水文连通性的上东河小流域草原生态与水讳疾忌医程互馈机制,2022/01-2023/12,主抓

[8] 黄土高本泥土侵蚀与旱地农业国度重心实验室绽开基金,黄土高原小流域吸附态氮磷非点源浑浊散播式模子商讨, 2014/01-2016/07,主抓

[9] 国度重心研发筹小船课题任务,水资源协同配置有议论效益可行性分析,2016/07-2019/12,主抓

パナソニック 分電盤 リミッタースペース付 露出・半埋込両用形

6. 学术着力

先后在Journal of Hydrology、Agricultural, Ecosystems & Environment、Journal of Cleaner Production、Catena、Agricultural Water Management、Science of the Total Environment、Pedosphere、European Journal of Soil Science、Earth Surface Processes and Landforms、Ecological Indicators、Ecological Engineering、Hydrological Processes、Water Resources Management、Scientific Reports、Environmental Science and Pollution Research、Solid Earth、Environmental Earth Sciences、Environmental Monitoring and Assessment、Water Policy、Water Environmental Research、Environmental Engineering Science、Water Science and Technology、Ecological Modelling、《农业工程学报》、《中国环境科学》、《环境科学商讨》、《农业环境科学学报》、《应使劲学学报》、《中国科技论文》等才智域国表里蹙迫期刊发表论文93篇,第一/通信SCI论文62篇(第一作家55篇),参编辑述一部。以第一作家发表在Journal of Hydrology论文被引180余次,为ESI(Essential Science Indicators)前3%高被引论文。另外,以第一作家授权发明专利1件,实用新式5件,在审发明专利2件。



[1] Wu, L., Xu, Y., Li, R. (2024). Effects of input data accuracy, catchment threshold areas and calibration algorithms on model uncertainty reduction. European Journal of Soil Science, 75(4), e13519. https://doi.org/10.1111/ejss.13519. (SCI)

[2] Wu, L., Xu, L., Yang, H., Ma, X. (2024) Effects of biochar addition or grass planting on infiltrations into a sandy soil in the Loess Plateau in China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 1–17. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.5935 (SCI)

[3] Wu, L., Xu, Y., Yang, Z., Ma, X. 2024. Influencing factors on spatial differentiation of water yield: statistics and appraisals with predictors of subbasin.Journal of Hydrologic Engineering. doi: 10.1061/JHYEFF/HEENG-6153 (SCI)

[4] Wu, L., Luo, Y., Pang, S., Wang G., Ma, X. 2024. Factor analysis of hydrologic services in water-controlled grassland ecosystems by InVEST model and geodetector. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 31:20409-20433.(SCI)

[5] Wu, L., Li, R.Z., Wang, Y., Guo, Z.J. Li, J.H., Yang, H., Ma, X.Y. 2024. Laboratory and numerical modelling of irrigation infiltration and nitrogen leaching in homogeneous soils. Pedosphere. 34(1): 146–158. (SCI)

[6] Wu, L., Liu, X., Chen, J., Ma, X.L. (2023). Multi-objective synchronous calibration and Pareto optimality of runoff and sediment parameters in an arid and semi-arid watershed. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-27075-1. (SCI)

[7] Wu, L., Ma, X., Wang, Y.,Zhou, J.G. (2023) Increasing areas of aquaculture ponds and reservoirs reshape runoff coefficients: evidence from a subtropical catchment, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-023-25227-x (SCI)

[8] Wu, L., Liu, X., Yang, Z., Yu, Y., Ma, X.Y. (2023). Is climate dominating the spatiotemporal patterns of water yield? Water Resources Management 37, 321–339. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-022-03371-2 (SCI)

[9] Wu, L., Liu, X., Yang, Z., Yu, Y., Ma, X.Y. (2022). Effects of single- and multi-site calibration strategies on hydrological model performance and parameter sensitivity of large-scale semi-arid and semi-humid watersheds. Hydrological Processes, 36(6), e14616. (SCI)

[10] Wu, L., Liu, X., Chen, J.L., Li, J.F., Yu, Y., Ma, X.Y. (2022). Efficiency assessment of best management practices in sediment reduction by investigating cost-effective tradeoffs. Agricultural Water Management 265: 107546. (SCI)

[11]Wu, L., Liu, X., Chen, J.L., Yu, Y., Ma, X.Y. (2022). Overcoming equifinality: time‑varying analysis of sensitivity and identifiability of SWAT runoff and sediment parameters in an arid and semiarid watershed. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,DOI:10.1007/s11356-022-18573-9 (SCI)

[12] Wu, L., Liu, X., Yu, Y., Ma, X.Y. (2022). Biochar, grass, and cross-ridge reshaped the surface runoff nitrogen under consecutive rainstorms in loessial sloping lands. Agricultural Water Management 261: 107354. (SCI)

[13] Wu, L., Liu, X., Yang, H., Ma, X.Y. (2021). How agricultural management practices affect nitrogen transportation and redistribution under the drying-rewetting process of loessial sloping lands? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 315: 107440. (SCI)

[14] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2021). How biochar, horizontal ridge, and grass affect runoff phosphorus fractions and possible tradeoffs under consecutive rainstorms in loessial sloping land? Agricultural Water Management 256(3): 107121. (SCI)

[15] Wu, L., Liu, X., Yang, Z., Chen, J.L., Ma, X.Y. (2021). Landscape scaling of different land-use types, geomorphological styles, vegetation regionalizations and geographical zonings differs spatial erosion patterns in a large-scale ecological restoration watershed. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021. doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-13274-1. (SCI)

[16] Wu, L., Yen, H., Ma, X.Y. (2021). Effects of particulate fractions on critical slope and critical rainfall intensity for runoff phosphorus from bare loessial soil. Catena 196, 104935. (SCI)

[17] Wu, L., Yen, H., Arnold, J.G., Ma, X.Y. (2020). Is the correlation between hydro-environmental variables consistent with their own time variability degrees in a large-scale loessial watershed? Science of the Total Environment 722, 137737. (SCI)

[18] Wu, L., He, Y., Ma, X.Y. (2020). Using five long time series hydrometeorological data to calibrate a dynamic sediment delivery ratio algorithm for multi-scale sediment yield predictions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27:16377–16392. (SCI)

[19] Wu, L., He, Y., Ma, X.Y. (2020). Can soil conservation practices reshape the relationship between sediment yield and slope gradient? Ecological Engineering, 142, 105630. (SCI)

[20] Wu, L., Li, X.P., Ma, X.Y. (2019). Particulate nutrient loss from drylands to grasslands/forestlands in a large-scale highly erodible watershed. Ecological Indicators 107, 105673. (SCI)

[21] Wu, L., Li G.X., Jiang, J., Ma, X.Y. (2019). Using vegetation correction coefficient to modify a dynamic particulate nutrient loss model for monthly nitrogen and phosphorus load predictions: a case study in a small loess hilly watershed. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26: 32610-32623. (SCI)

[22] Wu, L., Yao, W.W., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Using the comprehensive governance degree to calibrate a piecewise sediment delivery ratio algorithm for dynamic sediment predictions: A case study in an ecological restoration watershed of northwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 564, 888-899. (SCI)

[23] Wu, L., Su, X.L., Ma, X.Y., Kang, Y., Jiang, Y.N. (2018). Integrated modeling framework for evaluating and predicting the water resources carrying capacity in a continental river basin of Northwest China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 204, 366-379. (SCI)

[24] Wu, L., Qiao, S.S., Peng, M.L., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Assessing impacts of rainfall intensity and slope on dissolved and adsorbed nitrogen loss under bare loessial soil by simulated rainfalls. Catena, 170, 51-63. (SCI)

[25] Wu, L., Jiang, J., Li G.X., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Characteristics of pulsed runoff-erosion events under typical rainstorms in a small watershed on the Loess Plateau of China. Scientific Reports, 8:3672. (SCI)

[26] Wu, L., Qiao, S.S., Peng, L.L., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Coupling loss characteristics of runoff-sediment-adsorbed and dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus on bare loess slope. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(14), 14018-14031. (SCI)

[27] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Prediction of land use change and its driving forces in an ecological restoration watershed of the loess hilly region. Environmental Earth Sciences, 77:238. (SCI)

[28] Wu, L., Tang, X.D., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Optimal allocation of nonpoint source pollution control measures using two modern comprehensive evaluation methods. Water Policy, 20: 811-825. (SCI)

[29] Wu, L., Peng M.L., Qiao S.S., Ma X.Y. (2018). Effects of rainfall intensity and slope gradient on runoff and sediment yield characteristics of bare loess soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25(4): 3480-3487. (SCI)

[30] Wu L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Spatio-temporal temperature variations in the Chinese Yellow River basin from 1981 to 2013. Weather, 73(1): 27-33. (SCI)

[31] Wu, L., Chang, H.Y., Ma, X.Y. (2017). A modified method for pesticide transport and fate in subsurface environment of a winter wheat field of Yangling, China. Science of the Total Environment, 609: 385–395. (SCI)

[32] Wu, L., Qi, T., Zhang, J. (2017). Spatiotemporal variations of adsorbed nonpoint source nitrogen pollution in a highly erodible Loess plateau watershed. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 26(3): 1343-1352. (SCI)

[33] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Application of a modified distributed-dynamic erosion and sediment yield model in a typical watershed of a hilly and gully region, Chinese Loess Plateau. Solid Earth, 7(6): 1577-1590. (SCI)

[34] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Spatio-temporal variation of erosion-type non-point source pollution in a small watershed of hilly and gully region, Chinese Loess Plateau. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23: 10957-10967. (SCI)

[35] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Spatio-temporal evolutions of precipitation in the Yellow River basin of China from 1981 to 2013. Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 16(5): 1441-1450. (SCI)

[36] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Spatiotemporal distribution of rainfall erosivity in the Yanhe River watershed of hilly and gully region, Chinese Loess Plateau. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75: 315. (SCI)

[37] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2016). Tracking Soil Erosion Changes in an Easily-Eroded Watershed of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 25(1): 332-344. (SCI)

[38] Wu, L., Li, P.C., Ma, X.Y.(2016). Estimating nonpoint source pollution load using four modified export coefficient models in a large easily eroded watershed of the loess hilly-gully region, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75: 1056. (SCI)

[39] Wu, L., Gao, J.E., Ma, X.Y., Li, D. (2015) Application of modified export coefficient method on the load estimation of non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus pollution of soil and water loss in semiarid regions. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22: 10647-10660. (SCI)

[40] Wu, L., Qi, T., Li, D., Yang, H.J., Liu, G.Q., Ma, X.Y., Gao, J.E. (2015). Current status, problems and control strategies of water resources pollution in China. Water Policy, 17(3): 423-440. (SCI)

[41] Wu, L., Wang, J., Liu, X. (2015). Enhanced nitrogen removal under low-temperature and high-load conditions by optimization of the operating modes and control parameters in the CAST system for municipal wastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment, 53: 1683-1698. (SCI)

[42] Wu, L., Ma, X.Y., Liu, X. (2014) Assessment of herbicide transport and distribution in subsurface environments of an orange field. Water Environment Research, 86(8): 729-740. (SCI)

[43] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2013). Modeling impacts of sediment delivery ratio and land management on adsorbed non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus load in a mountainous basin of the Three Gorges reservoir area, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 70(3):1405-1422. (SCI)

[44] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Liu, X., Guo, J.S. (2012). Impacts of climate and land-use changes on the migration of non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus during rainfall-runoff in the Jialing River Watershed, China. Journal of Hydrology, 475: 26-41. (SCI)

[45] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Cooper, W.J. (2012). Simulation of temporal and spatial distribution on dissolved non-point source nitrogen and phosphorus load in Jialing River Watershed, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 65(6): 1795-1806. (SCI)

[46] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Liu, X., Mmereki, D. (2012). Simulation of soil loss processes based on rainfall runoff, and the time factor of governance in the Jialing River Watershed, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 184(6): 3731-3748. (SCI)

[47] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Cooper, W.J. (2012). Temporal and spatial simulation of adsorbed nitrogen and phosphorus non-point source pollution load in Xiao Jiang Watershed of Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. Environmental Engineering Science, 29(4): 238-247. (SCI)

[48] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Lu, X.P. (2012). Improvement of separation efficiency and production capacity of a hydrocyclone. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 12(3): 281-299. (SCI)

[49] Wu, L., Long, T.Y., Li, C.M. (2010). The simulation research of dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus non-point source pollution in Xiao-Jiang Watershed of Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Water Science and Technology, 61(6): 1601-1616.


[50] Wu, L., Liu, X., Ma, X.Y. (2018). Research progress on the watershed sediment delivery ratio. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 75: 4, 565-579. (EI)

[51] Wu, L., Ma, X.Y., Peng, H.L., Wang, J., Wen, J.X. (2013). Herbicide distribution and transport in subsurface environment of a tomato field in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, China. International Journal of Environmental Studies, 70(4): 637-654. (EI)

[52] Du, B.(学), Wu, L.*, Ruan, B., Xu, L., Liu, S., Guo, Z., 2024. Can the best management practices resist the combined effects of climate and land-use changes on non-point source pollution control? Science of The Total Environment 174260. (SCI)

[53] Pang, S.J.(学), Wu, L.*, Luo, Y.K., Wang, R.W., Gao, T.M., Guo, Z.J. 2024. A study on ecohydrological mutual feedback relationship of the Shangdong River basin based on hydrological connectivity. Science of the Total Environment. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171957.(SCI)

[54] Zhang, Y. (学), Gao, Y., Xu, L.,Liu Z., Wu, L.* 2024. Integrating satellite and reanalysis precipitation products for SWAT hydrological simulation in the Jing River Basin, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 31: 20534-20555.

[55] Guo, Z.J. (学), Wu, L.*, Liu, S., Zhang, H.Y., Du, B.L., Ruan, B.N. 2023. An integrated watershed modeling framework to explore the covariation between sediment connectivity and soil erosion. European Journal of Soil Science, 74: e13412. doi: 10.1111/ejss.13412. (SCI)

[56] Du, B. (学), Wu L.*, Ruan, B., Xu, L., Liu, S. 2023. CMADS and CFSR Data-Driven SWAT Modeling for Impacts of Climate and Land-Use Change on Runoff. Water 15(18): 3240 DOI: 10.3390/w15183240. (SCI)

[57] Wang, X.T.(学), Liu, S., Ruan, B.N., Luo, Y.K., Wu, L.*. 2024. A spatial optimal allocation method considering multi-attribute decision making and multiple BMPs random combination in sub-watersheds, Journal of Environmental Management 350: 119655. (SCI)

[58] Wang, Y.(学), Xu, Y., Wu, L.*, Ruan, B., Guo, J.W., Du, B. 2023. Identification of critical source areas and delineation of management subzones of non-point source pollution in Jing River Basin. Environment, Development and Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-04206-9 (SCI)

[59] Liu, S. (学), Wu, L*., Guo, Z.J., Zhang, H.Y., Du, B.L. 2024. Elucidating the response mechanisms of hydrological and sediment connectivity to River network structure, vegetation and topographic features in the Jinghe River Basin. Land Degradation & Development 35(5): 1699-1715.(SCI)

[60]张慧勇(学),吴磊*,郭嘉薇,刘帅,郭宗俊.顶点降雨条目下植被收复流域结构和功能连通性间的联系[J].农业工程学报,2023,39(15):104-114. (EI)

[61]阮炳南(学),吴磊*,郭嘉薇等.谈判环境本钱详细效益的泾河流域最平正置措施评价与筛选[J/OL].中国环境科学:1-11[2023-09-15]. (EI)

[62] 彭梦玲(学),吴磊*,乔闪闪.(2018).不同雨强下黄土裸坡水-沙-氮磷流失耦合模拟.中国环境科学,2018,38(3):1109-1116. (EI)

[63] 吴磊,龙天渝,王玉霞,卢奇奇. (2011). 基于散播式水文模子的嘉陵江流域氮磷非点源浑浊负荷估计.农业工程学报, 27(3): 55-60. (EI)


[1] Wu, L., Liu, X., & Ma, X. (2023). Dynamic Erosion and Sediment Yield Model Analysis in a Typical Watershed of Hilly and Gully Region, Chinese Loess Plateau. Novel Perspectives of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences Vol. 4, 103–129. https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/npgees/v4/17848D.

7. 主要荣誉与获奖

2022年 Best Researcher Award (2022) for the contribution and honourable achievement in innovative research. International Research Award on New Science Inventions; NESIN 2022; Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA), Govt. of India.

2020年 水土流失型面源浑浊猖狂要津工夫与期骗,获中国水土保抓学会科学工夫奖二等奖(中国水土保抓学会,名挨次3)。

2018年 西北地区“村庄—城镇—小流域”农村生涯浑水时空源区识别与“生物—生态”净化工夫模式,获2018第三届中国立异挑战赛优秀奖(延安市科学工夫局,延安市高新区管委会,共青团延安市委,名挨次1)。




2019年 辅导本科生获“华维杯”第一届天下大学生农业水利工程及磋商专科立异遐想大赛三等奖(模式称号“一种新式屋顶雨水集聚与绿地定时灌溉系统”)。

2019年 辅导本科生发明模式“零耗能空气吊水器”获水利与建筑工程学院第五届水利立异遐想大赛二等奖。

2016年 校优秀党员(中共西北农林科技大学委员会)。

2016年 院优秀党员(中共西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院委员会)。

2014年 获水利与建筑工程学院本科招生“宣传先进个东谈主”荣誉称号(中共西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院委员会)。


















8. 学术兼职

汲引部科技发展中心评审民众,汲引部高等学校科学商讨发展中心评审民众,汲引部学位与商讨生汲引发展中心评审民众,东清合创(深圳)环境科技有限公司民众参谋人,国度当然科学基金通信评审民众,陕西、江西、黑龙江、安徽、科研院所等科研立项与科技奖励评审民众,中国水资源策略商讨会会员,中国农业工程学会高等会员,中国水土保抓学会会员。担任Science of the Total Environment, Land Degradation & Development, Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research, Journal of Environmental Informatics, Scientific Reports, Environmental Modelling & Software,Journal of Environmental Quality, Separation & Purification Reviews, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Environmental Earth Sciences, Journal of Mountain Science, Environmental Management, SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences, International Soil and Water Conservation Research等40余个国表里期刊审稿东谈主。

9. 商讨生招生



10. 磋商表情



邮箱: lwu@nwsuaf.edu.cn; conquer2006@126.com



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